A question from Will Richardson's book, 'Why School?' page 34, "With few exceptions, all the things our children are using to connect and learn outside the classroom - social media, cell phones, Internet connections - are banned inside classrooms. In my kid's case, school is the only place in their lives where they can't use the technology they carry around in their pockets and backpacks to answer questions. The only place. Why is that?"
This was written 3 years ago. Is there an answer? Has anything really changed in that time?
https://goo.gl/cgA9Yj |
There was once a time, that the district I work for had a policy that stated that personal electronic devices were not allowed. This was about 8 years ago. Today, it is hard, not to find a principal, teacher, student, or parent without a personal device of some sort. This has become such a norm for us. With this said, however, recently, I have talked to a few Professors recently that have banned computers and cell phones from their lectures, arguing that they have become disruptive to the learning environment. I completely agree - DISRUPTIVE. Maybe I'm not thinking about in the same way as the Professor. It it is banned in any learning environment, the only think the teacher is doing, is ensuring that their is a learning GAP and that their class isn't Universally Designed, only those that learn the way the Professor wants them to will succeed in the end. Not everyone. Sad. - Zoe