Saturday, 4 July 2015

Why School? Great question!
Why School?: How Education Must Change When Learning and Information Are Everywhere by Will Richardson (2012)

Wow! What a powerful first 2 chapters!  I just keep rereading them and wishing every educator could too.  I've been lucky enough to have heard Will speak so dynamically at conferences. Now I have the luxury of reading his words enough times to really let it sink in.  The Education System NEEDS to change.  And it's going to whether people like it or not.  Educators, parents, students, community and yes even government are going to have to get out of the 150 year old rut we've been in.  Who will lead us?  How will this message get to policy writers and curriculum 'experts'?  We need a complete revamp.  We need to stop comparing our 'scores' to other countries because they are stuck too! Everyone agrees the world is changing in so many ways so much more quickly than ever before that whatever we do in education had better be adaptable.  Something it hasn't been for a long time.  What should a 2015 school look like?   Maybe his next chapters will offer a glimpse!


  1. What a way to get people into this book Trish. I just pulled it up on my Kindle!

  2. I think innovative teachers like yourself and hopefully more of us just need to keep plugging away with the great things we do in our classroom, the more we share, the more people will do what we do and it will become the norm. We can lead by example!
