The 'Twitterverse' has been around since March 21st 2006. That's almost 10 years! Check out these stats. Twitter is an engrained part of our society and a major means of communication. I decided to review my Twitter Lists and my Follow lists in search of educators in my Board. While I found some outstanding, regular users of Twitter, I am left wondering why there aren't more. As the Computer Contact at my school, every year I have regularly heard from teachers, "I really should start using Twitter." I offer, others offer, we encourage but it still seems to be such a chore. While I by no means use Twitter extensively or exclusively, it is still an active part of my online world. There's soooo much value in it. And as a 21st Century Educator, I daresay, I 'feel obliged'. I wonder, do my educational leaders have obligations to use Social Networking tools in their roles? Do they feel pressure to 'join in'? Should they? I say yes! Right now there is no official requirement for System Leaders in our board to have an online presence. So here's a shout out to a few of those that do...

At our Board Office: @GrahamShantz @schink_wrdsb @markcarbone @rebrouse @KenWhytock @susan_watt
Trustees: @TrusteeKSmith @TrusteeTed @carollmillar
Admin: @KristinPhillip3 @Silvana_Hoxha @ Ev_Giannopoulos @mmcmath1 @BruceAlexander4 @Brian_Morgan62 @micheluttia
Digital Literacy Support Teachers: @ecmackenzie @ebaumi @heidi_hobson @jeff_dbrown
Classroom Teachers: @ScottMcKenzie27 @ @JMitchinson @tgianno @smithwithclass @AndrewBieronski @MichaelFrey10
Thanks for sharing your insights!
This would go well with the "Shout it Out" post. Again, If I had time, I'd love to create a list in my own district of Principals, Teachers, SO's using Twitter. I don't think one exists..yet.