I'm making a grade change for next year. I didn't actually ask for it but when someone had to move grades I volunteered. I switched from my Grade 5 class which I have thoroughly enjoyed, to the English half of two French Immersion classes. One is a Grade 3 and the other a 3/4. I will have a 'partner' teacher, two curriculums and fewer subjects to teach. It's been a few years since I've done these grades and never an 'English' half before. So I consider it a somewhat significant change. It's been awhile since I've looked at those curriculums so I am curious to see how technology is referenced. I have chosen to look at Language Arts, Science and Health for Grade 3.
Language Arts
Well that was disappointing. I just read every word of the Oral Communication strand and was sure I would find lots of referenced examples to enhance the expectations. Not even one! So here you go.
1.4 demonstrate an understanding of the
information and ideas in a variety of
oral texts by identifying important
information or ideas and some supporting
details My idea: After listening to an oral presentation, create a Word Cloud, Wordle, or Tagxedo - remember to emphasize important ideas by repeating those words in order to make them more prominent.
Science and Technology
Ok this should be better. Uh oh. It's a 2007 document. Sigh. Here's one of a hundred expectations I'd like to update.
2.4 investigate ways in which a variety of plants
adapt and/or react to their environment,
including changes in their environment, using
a variety of methods (e.g., read a variety of
non-fiction texts; interview plant experts; view
DVDs or CD-ROMs)
Let's add in a few things here. My ideas: Investigate adaptations using a variety of online resources such as Learn360. Search for and reply to blog posts about plant adaptation. Search for a plant expert with an online presence and connect through Social Media (Twitter, email, blog post). Use an iPad and time lapse photography to film a plant reacting to light sources.
Healthy Living
Okay one more try. 2010. There must be something already there.
C2.2 apply their understanding of good safety practices by developing safety guidelines for a variety
of places and situations outside the classroom (e.g., guidelines for water safety; safe routes
and practices for going to school; home fire safety and emergency plans; safe camping checklists;
guidelines for safe Internet use;
Well, at least I found the word 'Internet'. My idea: Create Safety themed podcast commercials to be played during morning announcements. Create an online comic (Bitstrips) that demonstrates some Internet Safety rules. Share these on a class website or blog.
Well this little researching project has produced a few questions. Or maybe some answers. No wonder so many teachers have a hard time integrating technology into their lesson plans. There are very few prompts or examples to be found in the actual curriculum documents. Hmmm, time for a change perhaps?
So much needs to be revised ... do they have anyone looking into making these changes?... Is it possible for the curriculum to keep pace with technology?