Well those past 3 weeks felt like 3 months! These are not simple times in the education field!

June certainly is a time of endings and beginnings. Teachers and Admin coming and going. Bidding farewell to my Grade 5's and now thinking about my Grade switch to 3 and 3/4. I will be teaching the English half of two French Immersion classes. I thought I was in pretty good shape at year's end, feeling organized and yet I still couldn't avoid that exhausted feeling that comes with closing your classroom door for the final time before summer.
And now back to my own Professional Learning! I'm very excited to be jumping right into the Specialist portion of this year's endeavour. I've got some "Learnin' and Leadin'" to do! And as I start back at it I can only hope that the Government, OBSPA, and the Unions do so as well. These are valuable, important weeks this summer, I hope to accomplish something big and I hope they do too!
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