Monday, 11 May 2015

U Design Lessons (for) Them! UDLT

Here's what I think Universal Design Learning Theories are!

Teacher meets student.
Teacher observes and evaluates student strengths, weaknesses, and styles of learning.
Teacher designs lessons, activities etc. that give each student an equal chance to learn.
Student smiles.

There were lots of graphics and charts to choose from when I searched up this Theory. Here's my favourite....because it put the 'Why' first.

No doubt about it, this thinking about learning is a must in every classroom. I feel like this idea has been around for decades. The first time I heard the words 'Universal Design' was when they started making cut-outs in sidewalk curbs back in the 70's. It changed so much for the person in a wheelchair or those who had difficulty walking. We should always look for ways to make life easier, especially teachers!


  1. Love the chart .... so simplified ... thanks for that!

  2. Honestly, I've never looked at UDL like this before. I had to really think about this one Trish. Thanks. You are is about the Why. I am going to share this with my Junior ABQ course.
