Sunday, 5 April 2015

Time to Think, again!

Over the next few months I will continue to reflect, pursue and challenge myself in the area of Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction Part II.  As per course requirements, I have identified some learning goals, tools and pedagogy that I want to focus my thoughts towards.  

1.  Personal Learning Goals - continued use of Delicious bookmarking, begin using Flikr and Shelfari.  In the past, I have not been very efficient with my storage of professional readings.  I love to read through Zite, Flipboard and Twitter feeds.
Occasionally I would favourite them or retweet them
but never did I attempt to keep an organized list or collection.  Why now?  I am meeting more and more teachers that I think of as I read these articles who would like these ideas as much as I do. I also am leading a more varied range of Professional Development workshops and would love to have a few more of these facts, graphics, and musings at my fingertips. 

2.  I would also like to identify 'BYOD' Bring Your Own Devices, as a topic that I want to explore a little more.  More ideas for their effective use and more ways to make it equitable.  Who has them?  Who needs them?  

Along the way I have found 2 more educators who have blogs of superior standard that I would like to add to my 'check in with' list.  Hmmm, perhaps that could be a new Delicious Tag?

EduBits authored byKristin Phillips - Principal at Queensmount Senior Public School - a local treasure

The Innovative Educator Lisa Nielsen  - wow!

1 comment:

  1. Trish, many of your posts have offered me encouragement to revisit these tools and how I am using them myself. This one especially. The massive benefit of teaching in this course (actually, I feel the same way when teaching my regular classroom, of gifted students). I wonder, have you used any of these tools with your students? What about when doing presentations?
