Now try this one....can you learn to blog without a computer or device? I say yes! And here's how.....
1) Think of a blog post - opinions, questions, facts about a topic. Write it on a whiteboard, chalkboard or paper at the front of the room.
2) Give students a few large sticky notes. Have them write their responses.
3) Students put responses below the post.
4) Students read each other's responses and add replies or further questions.
5) Move sticky notes as needed to show threads of conversation.
6) Draw pictures if needed and 'upload' by sticking them up too!
7) Owner of the blog can 'take down' responses if needed.
For anyone who said No, can't get the iPads or book the lab, I challenge you to try it the paper way!
Twitter boards are a neat idea. I used this strategy with some Pre-service students who were very hesitant to use Social Media. I simply had them go to the tag or list, find an interesting Tweet, and then respond, using a marker and a paper strip (in 140 characters). Then, they had to sort the paper strips into subject areas (which helped me explain why we use "tags".