Thursday, 12 February 2015

Did You Know....?

......I work in a terrific Province and I have a fabulous School Board. I am so fortunate to have so many resources literally at my fingertips and both Ontario and the Waterloo Region are responsible for that ease of access.  As I went through this list I realized I just don't use them enough. They would all be worth the time, I really shouldn't let that be an excuse and if it's not too late for a 2015 resolution, I'm making a pledge to myself to get surfing and bookmarking more! Sounds Delicious to me!!!
First up,
The Ontario Software Acquisition Advisory Committee website is accessible by all Ontario teachers and used by Ontario Boards. When software is licensed by this group you know they have done vetting, testing, and consulting with the Ministry, to check that it aligns with curriculum objectives for learning. It's the ultimate stamp of approval.

OERB - Ontario Education Resource Bank - This site is for teachers, students, and parents of students.  Each board issues a password and user id. As it's name suggests, it has a wealth of ideas.  Over 31,000 digital resources from K-12.

Accessing the OERB also gives links to Learn360 and EduGAINS.
Learn 360 requires a password, usually provided by your school board. From there you will have access to advanced search options for even more eVideos and various mainstream videos such as Bill Nye, Reading Rainbow or feature movies. This site is accessible to both teacher and student.
EduGAINS has Ministry developed resources for K - 12. These resources were created for use by classroom educators, school leaders, and system leaders. Lots of 'how to' ideas here.
Another great resource for Ontario teachers is the National Film Board.  Once you set up an account you select your school board to access the NFB collection of streamed videos.

Within my board, the WRDSB, deploying mobile devices over the past few years has been a major project.  Every school at the JK-8 level has at least 40 iPads. These devices are managed centrally through a system known as configurator. As part of this endeavour, an image was developed for each iPad.  Apps are chosen through a software approval process.  Anyone can suggest app ideas and then several groups such as, the IT dept., the learning services group, and the Spec. Ed. dept. make final decisions.  To assist with the difficult task of choosing apps, an evaluation document was developed. Many schools have purchased iPads with their own funds and can download any apps they wish through a school itunes account. As well, we also have an app description doc and a support website to enhance use of these devices. The same type of process has been in place for our desktop computers.  A software image, used on all board computers,  was developed many years ago and is updated regularly.  Specialized software such as Kurzweil can be added by request.

Off to start fulfilling my new resolution....Ontario Resources here I come!

1 comment:

  1. We really are fortunate to work in Ontario. You shared some fantastic resources. As a teacher, what resources do you find yourself using most often? What is your main "go to"?
