Sunday, 2 August 2015


OSSEMOOC! (Ontario School and System leaders Educational technology Massive Open Online Community)  
While MOOCs have been around since 2008 they became more widely heard of starting around 2012. A little over a year ago in Ontario OSAPAC (Ontario Software Acquisition Program Advisory Committee) was looking for a way to help leaders in education keep up with all the changes in technology.  The answer was a MOOC or as @markcarbone and @dfryed describe it an... 'Awesome MOOC'.  It has been very popular with several of our principals. Here's a video to further explain just what a MOOC is....

While I haven't yet participated in a MOOC, nor do I know of many that have, I do recognize that they are here to stay.  Online? Free?  Hmm, something to put on my 'need to check it out list'. Will it be on yours?

Professional Learning Favourites

In 10 days I'll be making the drive from Kitchener up to the Kempenfelt Conference Centre near Barrie.  It has become a tradition over the years to save a few days in August for some intense yet casual, immersed yet floating, technology engagement. Our board, WRDSB, sponsors a CATC Camp each year. The philosophy has been that of Open Space Technology.  Some call it the Law of Two Feet.  You find a 'room' (or couch area or picnic table etc.) where facilitators are focusing on a particular area of learning such as websites, iPads, Coding, Social Media or whatever you request. You stay if you want to, you move when you need to.  It's a little like the EdCamp opportunities of the past few years only far more hands on. It's for all teachers, K-12, at any level, beginner to expert. Teachers make plans or projects for their year or just learn something new. Here I am leading a group of beginners to iPads in the lounge area of a rustic lodge right by the waterfront.  As a facilitator, I am on hand to answer, lead, suggest, and support but I also end up with my own personal development.  We have a 1:3ish ratio of leader to camper so there are many, many experts available as our camper numbers have traditionally been over 100.  Those tub chairs have heard many shared stories, ideas and networking plans developed over the years.  Recently, we have started inviting Keynote speakers, we have been fortunate to have had Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, Doug Peterson and George Couros. The best part is that they stay after their presentation and chat or help out, either formally in the designated areas, or down by the campfire at night sharing stories. By far it has been the site of the best professional learning I've experienced.  I recommend that other boards check out this unique program. 
Once the school year gets rolling, I look to other conference or online activities to keep me up to date and active in the ever evolving digital world.  It wouldn't be hard to engage in professional learning everyday and here are 8 of my reasons why.

1) Twitter - find a group of leaders and follow, follow, follow.  Also find a time of day set aside just for checking the latest tweets.
2) Zite - an app that filters by subject, articles of interest
3) ECOO - Elementary Computing Organization of Ontario - in particular the BiT conferences. November
4) ETFO offers a wide range of Professional Development -  I like the ICT conferences (Spring) and the Summer Academy workshops.
5) OTF Connects - throughout the school year, varied online webinars 
6) Cybraryman - a very robust lineup of EdChats all year round 
7) Find an educator such as Kathy Schrock who has an everything you ever need website!
8) Google - when I'm stuck and need an answer quick, I Google it.  Chances are good that someone else has had the same problem and has either shared a written answer or made a video!

So, unless my WiFi goes down, I can learn something new everyday.  And even if it did, there's nothing like a good tub chair and chat.